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Create with OK-NouNou

The free-to-use Cyber Security Policy & Information site.

OK-NouNou wants to help you develop confident IT policy via easy-to-custom downloadable templates, all lovingly curated over two decades of industry experience.

OK-NouNou is here to spread the love and it’s all free!

Policy and Compliance Templates

Corporate policy can be a daunting prospect to navigate, and policy for Cyber Security GRC is even worse. We have some great policy resources and examples to chose from – everything from Acceptable Use to Incident Response, and all ensuring NIST CSF and ISO compliant standards.

OK-NouNou has a wide range of examples, as well as official templates from SANS and CIS (Center for Internet Security) to help guide you in the right direction.

Learning, Articles and Ideas

Sharing my thoughts and ideas following 20+ years in front line technical support, SysAdmin and cyber security at top-tier technology firms.